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- We have carefully examined and agree with the Christian purpose and doctrinal basis of Brant Christian School and desire the school to work with us in the total education of our children.
- In cooperation with the school, and to the best of our abilities, we will regularly attend the Parent-Teacher Interviews, duly called meetings and other society functions that are required.
- We pledge our loyalty to the aims and ideals of the school, having read the Parents Information Guide, and will direct any concerns, questions, or criticisms to the person(s) responsible for it, in grace and patience.
- The teacher and administration are given full discretion in the discipline of our children, subject to appropriate legislation (eg. School Act, Section 93, Criminal Code)
- We recognize the school's right to dismiss any student who does not cooperate with the educational process, transportation policy, or behavioral expectations of the school.
- We understand that the school agrees to work closely with the parents or guardians in helping the students to learn, and to learn to solve their school-related problems. This will include provision of competent teachers, a full and balanced curriculum, regular reporting, supervision of the children and the program, and cooperation with the home.
- We recognize that if we volunteer to transport students, we will ensure that we have current drivers licenses and a minimum of $2,000,000 public liability and property damage insurance, and are willing to obtain a drivers abstract.
- We understand that registration fees and tuition fees must be paid in advance and that the fees paid up to the end of the month in which a child is withdrawn are non-refundable.
- We hereby consent to have our child(ren) participate in school-related events and trips away from the school under the supervision of the staff. We are also aware that we will be notified in writing before any of these events take place, and our signature of permission will be required before our child(ren) may participate.
- We hereby authorize Brant Christian School to call an ambulance and arrange for emergency medical and surgical care in case we are not immediately available. Any qualified physician called by Brant Christian School may treat and do whatever is necessary for the health and well-being of our child(ren).
- We undertake to give as regularly as possible to meet the financial needs, to perform services when qualified and needed by the school, having identified areas of expertise through the volunteer form.
- We confirm our intent to consistently uphold the school, its staff, students and programs in family prayer.
BCS Covenant Agreement