All of the core subjects for our high school students are taught in-house by BCS teachers. Our small school also offers a range of arts programs and athletics, including band, art, drama, Phys. Ed and trades. Other teacher-taught courses include Geography and Spanish.
Our students enjoy a variety of choices and learning opportunities not only through traditional classroom experiences, but also via online learning and videoconferencing. Many of the skills our students demonstrate during their online or video-conferenced instruction with teachers in other Palliser schools are readily transferable to post-secondary and workplace settings. A 2011 Canadian report surveyed university students and found nearly 58 per cent of respondents were involved in some online component of learning beyond email communication with their instructors. The use of technology to support learning is helping our students to become self-directed, self-paced learners.
High school students are also given valuable opportunities for travel each year from Grade 9 through 12.