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Happy Mother's Day

Hello Parents;

To all the mothers who may read this blog, I hope that you enjoyed a day of appreciation and relaxation. Thank you for all that you do to keep your families strong. The strength of our society is still tied to the strength of our family units. Thank you for all that you do to support and strengthen your children.

I was up bright and early this morning to make my way to the airport to say goodbye to 8 of our students, Mrs. Brunning and Mr. Doerksen as they left for 7 days in Ottawa. While there they will meet with 3 different members of Parliament, several guest speakers and tour Ottawa. After all of this they will return with a good understanding as to our government works.

If you come by the school this week you will see a change to the east of our building. We are removing the two small cabins and replacing them with storage bins called Sea cans. This storage will allow us to empty out our portables plus some overflow items from the school. Once the portables are empty we can start getting them ready for use as  a band room and a Science lab. We are looking forward to these two additions to our school. A reminder that a very important band meeting is taking place on May 26 at the Full Gospel Church in High River. This is a band instrument night for our students.

This Thursday, the school band from Champion will be performing for our students. The concert will get underway at 1:00. Everyone is welcome to attend. On Saturday, Brant Christian will have a float in the Little Britches Parade. Make sure to come out and support the community of High River and our float.

For our students in grade 6, they will be writing their first provincial achievement test this Wednesday. It is Language Arts. I know that tests can sometimes make students nervous but I know that our students are well  prepared to write all of their achievement tests and prove their academic ability.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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