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It's Auction Time

Hello Parents;

Now that we have turned the calendar to November it is time to get ready for our annual auction. Unfortunately we will not be able to gather in High River like we normally do but the auction is going ahead anyway. This year we will be able to participate online. If you have not received information on how everything will work, please contact Cathy at school and she will give you the details. Thank you to Erin Niemans and her committee for putting this all together. I know that they have worked hard getting everything ready. Thank you, as well to everyone who was able to donate a gift this year, either as an auction item or a cash donation. I know that for many this has been a difficult financial year and we appreciate your ongoing support of Brant Christian School.

A couple of things are getting underway in November that will bring us back to a closer normal. Our Thursday lunch program gets started this week and will run every Thursday from here on in. We have a new addition to our menu. This year we will be offering pulled pork sandwiches from Burgardt's Butcher Shop one month and a chicken burger the following month. If you have not had the opportunity to try any of the meat specialties from Burgardt's, you are missing out on some very tasty food!

The second event that we will get underway in November is that volleyball starts up again. Our boys' teams will practice at the High River Baptist Church on Monday's and the girls will practice on Thursdays. Although we will unlikely be able to compete in tournaments, it will be exciting just to get back on the floor and play this fantastic sport. 

Looking further into November, there is no school on November 11, a PD day on November 20, report cards on the 23rd and parent/teacher interviews on November 25/26. You have the option of the meeting the teachers in person or through a phone conversation. You will need to book with Cathy for either option that you choose. It is important that we meet with all parents.

Please note that Thursday, November 26 is a shortened day to allow for the interviews. Students will be done school at 2:00 PM on the 26th.

As always, thank you for your ongoing prayer support of our school. We do covet your prayers and as a staff we pray for our families and our pastors on a regular basis.

Kevin Bailey

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