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Away We Go!

Hello Parents;

I trust that this long weekend has been enjoyable for your family despite the cold, wet weather. Our first week back was fantastic. It was good to see the students back and sense their enthusiasm. The energy they bring to school is contagious. All of our courses got off to a good start and our new portables are working out well.

Dates for you to be aware of; we start our cross country running this week with the meet being held on September 21. The likely location will be Southern Alberta Bible Camp. If you have a child that is running you will be receiving more information by next week. Our first field trip is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 23. Our grade 1 - 4 students will be going to Heads Smashed In Buffalo Jump while our students in grades 5 - 12 will be going to the Atlas Coal Mine in East Coulee. Permission forms have been sent out to the younger grades. The older students will be bringing their forms home on Tuesday.

Our first parent/teacher meeting will take place on Thursday, Oct. 1 between 4 - 8 PM. This will be a less formal one that our meeting in November as there is no report card involved and will be an opportunity to talk with the teachers and find out how the first month has gone. The first chapel will take place on Wednesday afternoon Sept. 30.

We will be hosting a bbq this coming Friday for our students in grades 9 - 12. Each Friday we are at school we try and plan a special meal for them. A reminder to all families that the few Fridays we have at Brant are regular school days and we expect to see all students here. Please don't think that this is a make-up or casual day. It is important that your children attend on these days.

 Our school theme for this year is on service. Each month we will be talking about various forms of service and how the students can get in involved. For the month of September our focus is on music and worship service. Should you have any questions about what is going on in our school or have any concerns please contact me anytime or drop in and see me if that works for you.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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