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Survey and Registration

Hello Parents;

I hope that the Easter break was an enjoyable one for you and your family. We now start our push to the end of another school year. With so few weeks left, the teachers will be trying hard to cover the remainder of each subject's curriculum.

Last week you likely received a notification from Alberta Education regarding a survey that they would like you to complete. Please take the time to do the survey. It is your opportunity to let the government know how much you appreciate having a Christian school for your children. Should you have any questions about the survey, please contact the school and talk to me.

 Many of you have already registered your children for next year. Thank you for being so prompt in doing this. If you have not registered yet or know of someone who is putting it off until later, please register as soon as possible. This gives us a better idea with regards to our numbers for the next school year. This is a tremendous help in our preparation for planning and timetabling.

With Covid cases on the rise in our province, we will be extra careful this week with our sanitizing and and hand washing. The best way to help us is to keep your children close to home when they are not in school. The more we restrict our contact with others away from school, will allow the students greater freedom while at school.

I know that many of you pray for our school on a daily basis and thank you for that. Your prayers along with the prayers of others, who may be associated with Brant Christian, is the reason for our growth and strength. Continue to pray for our society board and their leadership in directing our school.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

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