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What a great start to the year!

Thank you to all our families and students for coming out to our breakfast this week and making time to meet with me and enjoy some fellowship together. It was a real pleasure to start putting faces to names, and to begin to build those connections to our larger community.

Judging by the level of excitement I heard when walking the halls, students are also excited to be back at school. There is a lot of great exploration taking place already, whether it is monarch butterflies arriving in a classroom, or simply getting to meet new classmates and discover how much we have in common.

And we sure have had a lot of opportunities to meet new classmates. We have approximately 40 new students in Brant this year, a symbol of our growth and a testament to the good reputation that has been established. I am so grateful that so many families have chosen to attend Brant, and that so many of the new students I have spoken to have been enthusiastic about their experience already.

Coming up very quickly we have our Corn Maze field trip. This is a whole school experience, and as such we will need some volunteers to help us with supervision that day. Please watch for invitations from our homeroom teachers to come to volunteer that day.

Karen Dees is excited to have our string group run again this year. If your child has experience at all (1 year+ of music lessons preferred) with any stringed instrument and would like to be part of the group, please contact her at

I have attached the revised parent handbook. It outlines the expectations and some of the procedures we follow here at Brant. It also includes the student covenant which all students are expected to read and abide by. Please take some time to read over the handbook and become familiar with our values.

For those who missed the previous communication, we are doing an apple fundraiser this year in partnership with Davison Apples. These are truly delicious apples and are just as good for snacking on as they are in pies and crisps (my mouth is watering as I write this!). Talk to family and friends to find out who would like to buy some of these great apples, and have your orders in by Oct 14th. You will need to write one cheque for the total order and make it out to Brant Chris tian School. Any questions can be directed to Info sheet and order form can be found on our website. 

Volleyball is starting up next week! We have all of our teams beginning to practice and Mr D would like to remind all parents that there are mandatory parent meetings for each team. Please watch for those times and announcements.

Finally, I want to wish all of our families a very blessed long weekend. I pray this is a good time for you to gather and celebrate the end of summer and the start of a new year. I look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday!

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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