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Celebrating Remembrance Day

Hello to all our wonderful families!

A short but good week for us at Brant. We are heading into the final weeks of our volleyball season, with all of our teams competing in playoffs either this week or next. Please join me in congratulating all our athletes for their hard work and growth through this season. Thank you to all our dedicated parents for shuttling students from school to games and tournaments. And, a huge thank you goes out to all our volunteers, coaches and Mr. Doerksen for making this season possible through the many hours they poured into the teams. We are so blessed to have such wonderful support for our students. Please watch for an email from Mr. Doerksen on a great new piece of athletic wear that we have available for purchase by our athletes or any junior and senior high students.

We had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Remembrance Day at the school this week. Led by Mrs. Brunning, the students were reminded about the importance of the poppy and why we memorialize this day. It was also a great opportunity to have our worship team demonstrate the results of their hard work to the students. 

A few reminders:

  • The silent auction continues until 8pm on Saturday. Don’t forget to check in on your favorite items to make sure your bid wins! 

  • Parent Teacher interviews are coming up on the 24th and 25th of November. Please make sure to book your appointment time using the link

  • The Dual Credit Courses and Applications for High School students are open for next semester.  They are due by November 19.  This is a great opportunity to gain work experience, get paid and earn high school credits. All information can be found at .

  • We still have Ad-mazing coupon books available for purchase until the end of the month. Let Mrs. Massey know if you are interested in these great value coupon books.


Finally, I wanted to say a huge thank you to the sponsors of our Silent Auction, High Country Chevrolet Buick GMC, Niemans Drilling & Sons and Allterior Motives Inc. We are so grateful to have such strong partners helping us deliver high quality Christian education at Brant Christian.

May the God of all Grace and Peace bless you this weekend. Thank you so much for all your support and prayers.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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