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Ski Trip Forms Due...

Hello to all our wonderful Brant families,

Well it was certainly a more wintery week for us. Those days in January where the temperature went above freezing make it even harder when the cold weather reappears. It got so cold that we actually had our first indoor recess day this week! The students handled it like champs, using their time in the gym or classrooms in a way that would make you proud.

A few announcements:

  • Candygrams are on sale by our student council next week for distribution on February 14th

  • If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for hot lunches, please use the link sent by Mrs Massey 

  • Our open house is coming up on Feb 17th. Please invite anyone who is interested in sending their child to Brant. We are also looking for volunteers to guide the tours. Please let Mrs Massey know if you can volunteer from 4-8 that evening.

  • Ski trip forms are due to Mr D or the office by Thursday, February 10. 

I deeply enjoy watching all of the different things going on in the classrooms. Whether it is the literary term of the day, a discussion of the transnational railroad, making Valentine’s Day boxes or the amazing items brought in for the fur trade activity, the things going on in the classroom make my heart sing to the Lord. I am so proud of our teachers and the work they do with your students. The time and dedication they have shown goes above and beyond in so many different ways. We are blessed to have such an amazing staff.

I wish you a wonderful weekend and leave you with this blessing. May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face towards you and give you His peace.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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