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Successful Ski Trip!

Greetings to all our wonderful Brant families!

I am writing this as I recover from a great day of skiing at Castle mountain - although those who saw me there realize it was the kids who had a great day of skiing, and me less so. I am not as young as I would pretend to be, and definitely could not keep up with the students!

This week saw the opening of our registrations and already many of you have indicated your desire to return to Brant. Thank you! Having our registrations done early allows us to organize a large number of tasks in the spring, rather than scrambling to finish them in the fall; these tasks include staffing, setting option classes, bussing and many, many others. Following on the heels of the open house, it is encouraging to see the continued strong desire for the Christian education that Brant offers. Here is the link for registration, if you need it


  • Make sure you book your Parent Teacher Conferences online. The link is 

  • Grad Bake Sales are taking place during the Parent Teacher Conferences. Make sure you stop by and support our grads in their fundraising efforts for their grad events.

  • We are having our first Scholastic Book Fair in two years on March 23rd and 24th. Displays will be up before the conferences for students to check out and build their wish lists. Funds raised go to support our library and increase the quantity and quality of books for our students. 

Finally, a little note of congratulations to our students for their hard work in flower sales. They sold so many flowers, some were able to raise the entire amount needed for their missions trip! What an incredible achievement! 

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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