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Golf Tournament Date set for June 11

A wonderful weekend to all our Brant families! I hope everyone has gotten a chance to enjoy the warm weather before the snow comes back. I was able to get a good walk in this week that somehow ended up at my favorite ice cream hangout, and even spotted a Brant family there!

This past week had a lot of great learning happening which I was able to witness as I moved from room to room. Whether students were experiencing life in Japan, creating models of the tomb where Jesus lay, or even blowing up balloons in bottles to learn about air, there was so much happening this week. And in spending time with staff, I was able to look forward to events that are coming up soon. A few reminders:

  • Badminton tournaments are taking place next week. Our junior and senior teams are heading out to compete in zones on Wednesday, and we all wish everyone all the best in their games. Go Eagles!

  • The 7/8 Camp Little Red forms are due back by Tuesday, April 12th for students to be able to go to camp in May

  • Mr. Doerksen has set the date for the golf tournament at the Nanton golf club for June 11th and wants everyone who is interested to set that date aside

Registrations for the 2022-23 school year are going strong, and we are approaching our goal for enrolment next year. It is exciting to consider all the new and returning families, as well as anticipating all that God will accomplish in the lives of our students next year. I feel truly blessed to be part of the journey God has for where the Brant community will be heading in the coming year. We have so much to look forward to!

Finally, as we head into Palm Sunday, which begins our week and leads us to Good Friday and Easter, I want to encourage us to remember the sacrifice Jesus made to redeem us from our sin so we could live in right relationship with Him. By spending time meditating on His death, we can have a better appreciation for our blessings in Christ. God bless us all!

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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