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Hitting the Ground Running

Hello to all our marvelous Brant families!

Well, we are back and boy did we ever hit the ground running! There was a real energy and excitement in the building - once the students got past their first day sleepiness that is! We had mammal day, which involved a visit from Ms. Wolfe’s dog and a 2 month old lamb courtesy of Amanda Jones. All the students were so excited to see some four-legged creatures in the hallways.

We also had a chance to take our Grade 5-8 students to see a production of Fiddler on the Roof at Glenmore Christian Academy. They were a great audience, providing excellent energy to the students performing by clapping and laughing in the right places. And I loved talking with them afterwards about why a fiddler on the roof was even part of the story. It was a great presentation of how our world is fallen and that grace and mercy triumph over pharisaism. 

A few reminders:

  • Badminton playoffs are taking place this weekend in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. We want to wish all our competitors the very best as they compete against the best southern Alberta has to offer! Go Eagles!

  • Our rugby teams have been playing games and even though they haven’t had a victory yet, they have had a lot of success for first year players. They are competing in a tournament in northeast Calgary on Saturday and we are excited to see how they do.

  • Highway Cleanup is happening on Saturday May 7th. This is the major fundraiser for our home building projects in Tijuana. Mrs. Massey has been in contact with the involved families, so check your emails for all the times and locations in the coming days. It looks like we will have good weather which will make a good day even better.

  • Junior high students are heading to Camp Little Red next Wednesday. Mr D sent home a list of what to bring on Thursday, so make sure to ask your child to dig it out of their bag.

  • Track and field is starting for students on May 8th. Watch for more information on training times and days.

  • The May hot lunch link is up for families. Look for Mrs. Massey’s email with the relevant information.

As we begin May next month, I am starting to look to next year. Even though there remains a lot of things to do before the end of school, as your principal I need to consider where we are going to be in the fall. Part of this has been the development of the calendar with the division (which I hope to be able to release soon), what classes will look like with everyone moving up a grade and even the new students and families who will join us. It has been a very eventful journey to get to this point, but I feel blessed to be surrounded by dedicated staff, students who love to learn and love God, as well as a supportive parent body. If you haven’t had a chance to be into the school yet, please stop by and say hi before the end of the year. I so enjoy meeting families and hearing about the things that motivate you to be part of the Brant School community. I wish you all the best on this beautiful spring weekend. Go in His peace.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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