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Volleyball Season Wraps Up

Grace and peace to all our Brant families. It was such a treat to see so many of you in the school over the past two days. I know the staff enjoyed talking with you about your students and the great things they see in them. It was also a fun week for our students. We had a chance to show the Canadian World Cup game at lunch in the gym, learning a little bit more about soccer while cheering on our home team. Plus the 3/4 class was able to try a taste of Tunisia courtesy of Ms. Nudd. And Mr. Doerksen got a good start getting our rink out, assisted by many of our high school students after our chapel this week.

A few reminders:

  • We have been doing well with illness at the school this fall, and in large part this is due to your vigilance in keeping your child home when they are not feeling well. We appreciate your help in this. I also wanted to point out that now you have the ability in Edsby to mark your child not just absent but ill. 

  • Mrs. Massey sent a reminder yesterday that retake photo proofs were sent home and we are asking for them back by Dec 5. This will hopefully allow us to have all the photos back to families before the Christmas break.

  • Secret Santa lists have been set, so talk with your child about what they would like to get their secret santa recipient. 

  • Our next society board meeting is Dec 13th at High River Alliance, beginning at 7pm. Our parent council also meets as part of this gathering.

  • I am also attaching a letter from our minister of education for your information.

Finally, I wanted to give a big congratulations to all our volleyball teams for their past seasons. Not only did we have more teams than ever (6) but each and every level had great success. This was exemplified by our girls senior team qualifying for Zones and the boys senior team capturing bronze. I am deeply grateful to all our coaches, volunteers and parents for their dedication to the success of our teams. We are creating a legacy at BCS for future groups to build upon, and I am very excited for what the future holds. 

May you be blessed this weekend, be blessed with health, rest and a full awareness of the presence of God in your homes.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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