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Re-Registration is NOW OPEN!

Family Group Snowman Building Contest!

A warm sunny greeting to all our Brant families!

What a great week here at school, especially as we have been able to enjoy the sunshine. We had an exciting end to our week with green day activities for St. Patrick’s Day and a snowman building contest!

A few reminders that we want to pass along:

  • Registration for the 2023-24 school year is now open. We are very grateful to the board for all the hard work they have done to manage the difficult financial situation with as much care and consideration as possible. Please re-register as quickly as possible, as we have a lot of interest from new families to join our fantastic community and we want to let them know what space we have available as soon as possible.

  • The assurance survey due date has been moved to March24th due to the late mail out of access codes. Parents of grades 4, 7, and 10 students are able to fill these out to let Alberta Education know what the benefits of a Christian education look like. Thank you!

  • Don’t forget to sign up for parent teacher interviews on March 29th and 30th. 

  • While you are here for interviews you can check out our Book Fair supporting the library 

  • Please see the attached information on the Grad Bake Sale Auction starting Monday

  • Finally, thank you to Mrs. Massey who always does a fantastic job of our newsletter. Find it HERE.

Volunteer Corner

Please see the following volunteer opportunities

  1. Spring Cleaning - all positions still open -

  2. Hot lunch - still available positions, we had a cancellation for March 30 -

  3. PTI dinner for the teachers - still available positions -

  4. Highway clean up - all positions still open -


I want to wish you all a wonderful weekend. I hope you have a chance to enjoy the sunshine and I know our staff is looking forward to seeing your student again on Monday. God bless you all!

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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Box 130
Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

Fax: 403-684-3894