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FRY-day On!

Hello to all our wonderful Brant families!

Happy Friday to you all! Or should I say, Fry-day? One of our grade 2 boys noticed that having a Friday on sounded like “Fry-day” which led to the suggestion they dress like french fries in the 1/2 classroom. The 3/4 class heard about this and got into the action by making french fries in an air fryer to share with them. All in all it was a fun way to end our week (picture below).

This has also been an exciting week because we saw the 9-12 mission team off to Vancouver. We are very excited to see the work God is going to do over the next few days while they are away. This is the culmination of many months of planning and hard work by so many dedicated volunteers. We give praise to God for the supportive community that we are a part of, and give Him the glory for what He will accomplish in and through the lives of our students. Please check out the team blog for updates on what they are doing 


  • Next Friday is when families who are re-registering for the fall need to have their applications completed by. After the 28th we begin to admit new families on the waiting list and re-registering families in the order that we receive them

  • Any high school students interested in participating in Dual Credit programs next year (getting high school and post secondary credits at the same time) are invited to the information session on April 26th. Here is the link to the registration page. Here is more information for you

  • May hot lunch orders can be placed here

  • We still have positions available for highway clean up on our Hwy 24 route. Permission forms and safety videos for parent volunteers will be sent home next week.


Volunteer corner

This past week was National Volunteer Appreciation Week. Without the many dedicated servant hearts of parents, grandparents and many others who come in to support our students and teachers in all sorts of volunteer roles, we would not be able to do all the things we do. So a huge thank you to all those who volunteer and make our community a great place to be.

Here are some of the volunteer opportunities available coming up in the next few weeks.

A resource I have been accessing to stay up to date with events that affect our youth is the Axis Culture Translator, which is a bi-weekly email from the Axis organization. Axis is a non-denominational ministry with a staff from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds. They focus on impacting students via culture translation through a spiritual lens. I highly recommend them if you wish to be given timely updates on what is happening right now in the teen culture. Their latest connection, touches on the Mandalorian tv series on Disney+ as well as talking about what is happening with the youtuber Mr Beast.

Please join me in praying for our mission team this weekend, and I pray you and your family can enjoy God’s peace over the weekend. God bless you all.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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