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Auction Success!

Hello Parents;

For those of you who were not able to make the annual Brant Christian School Auction, you missed out on a fantastic evening. Thank you to our auction committee for all their work. The event went over very well, job well done. For all the parents who were in attendance and for those who donated items, thank you for your help. This was a special auction as we celebrated 25 years of Brant Christian School. The auction is held each year in early November and is a highlight on our school calendar. Plan now to attend next year. As usual our students in grade 7/8 were our table hosts and they did an excellent job. Thank you students.

Another busy week coming up for students at BCS. On Wednesday, students in grades 7 - 12 will be heading to the University of Lethbridge for a student leadership conference. For students in Okotoks, the bus will leave the Home Depot parking lot, beside the McDonald's restaurant at 7:15 AM, we will leave High River at the Full Gospel Church at 7:45 AM and we will make a stop in Nanton beside the Bomber Museum around 8:00. Return times are approximate times; Nanton 4:30, High River 5:00 and Okotoks 5:30. Students will call their parents once we are on the road and have more precise times.

On Thursday we will have our Remembrance Day assembly. This will take place in the afternoon starting at 2:15. All parents and friends are welcome to attend.

We are still collecting shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse. Please have these in by Thursday, Nov. 10

Help needed. We will be presenting a Nativity play at Sheppard's Park in High River on the evenings of Dec. 8, 9, 10. I am in need of parent volunteers to help with the production. There are no speaking lines as music and dialogue is all recorded. The assistance is required in helping to stage the actors. The play runs for only 20 minutes. If you have an interest in drama and would like to help or would like more information, contact Kevin Bailey

Our junior high boys volleyball team participated in their first zone tournament on Saturday in Coaldale. Thank you to all the players who represented our school so well and for the commitment of Mr. Doerksen. Well done guys. Hopefully next year we will be able to send a boys and girls team.

The Annual General Meeting for our school is scheduled for Thursday, November 17. It is very important that parents attend this meeting. It is your school as well as your children's school and you need to be there to hear what is happening behind the scenes. The meeting will take place at the Full Gospel Church in High River starting at 7:00 PM.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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