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Band Concert

Hello Parents;

On Thursday December 1, Brant Christian will be presenting their first band concert of the school year. The concert will take place at the High River Baptist Church with the conductor's baton dropping at 7:00 PM. We will have our students in K - 4 singing for us. Our grade 5/6 band and grade 7 - 12 band entertaining us with their instrumental abilities. Something new this year will be our junior/senior high school choir that will be performing as well. Students will be dismissed from school that day at 3:00 PM. All participants will need to be at the church by 6:00 PM in order to do a quick rehearsal. We trust the convenience and comfort of the Baptist church will be a nice change for everyone. Plan to stay after the concert for hot chocolate and goodies. Our grade 12 grads will be hosting a bake sale that night to raise funds for their graduation. Come prepared to participate in this.

This coming Friday, Dec. 2 is the High River Santa Claus Parade. Brant Christian will have their "little school" float in the parade with several of our students handing out candy along the parade route. If you are in attendance, give an extra shout as we pass by.

Thank you to all the parents who came out on Wednesday and Thursday of last week to meet with the teachers. This is a crucial link in the education of your children. We hope that you would always feel comfortable in contacting the teachers should you have a question about what is going on in your child's classroom or at school.

If you ordered any food items from Coco Brooks, the order will be in this Wednesday. You can pick up your items at the Full Gospel Church in High River starting at 3:30 PM. It is necessary for you to pick up your order that afternoon as all products are frozen and there is no place to store product that is not picked up.

Brant Christian's Nativity play will be performed at Sheppard Park beside the red barn on the evenings of Dec. 8, 9, 10. Performances start at 7:00 PM each evening. The play is only 20 minutes long, plan to join us in the barn afterwards for hot chocolate and cookies. Any parents who would like to donate baked items for this event can contact Cathy at school and let us know what night you would be able to drop off the baking.

As we move closer to the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, our prayer for you is that in the busyness of the season you can take time to reflect on the most important gift of the season and to share this with someone who might not know what Christmas is truly about.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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