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BCS Open House

Hello Parents;

This will be a busy week leading us into the Family Day weekend. On Tuesday we have a Valentine's Day chapel going on. It is a morning chapel starting at 9:20 with our k - 6 students. Joint worship starts at 10:15 with the jr./sr. high devotional getting underway at 11:00. Parents/grandparents are welcome to attend.

Mrs. Anderson's LA class will be having a special book reading taking place on Tuesday. Students have been busy putting their stories together to present to an audience. If you have a son/daughter in grades 5 - 8, we would love to have you come out and be part of the audience. For more details please contact Mrs. Anderson.

On Wednesday our high school students who have signed up for the Bamfield Marine Biology trip will be flying out to Courtney. From there they will have a 3 - 4 hour bus ride to Bamfield. Students are there until Sunday, Feb. 19 when they will return to Courtney. Some of the students will be flying home with Mr. Kroeker on Monday while 14 of them along with Miss Wolfe and Mr. Doerksen will do two days of skiing at Mt. Washington.

This coming Thursday is our annual open house. It will run from 1:00 - 8:00. The open house is designed to showcase our school to perspective families who are thinking of enrolling their children at Brant or are just curious about what makes our school so special. This would be a great time to invite friends to come out and take a tour of our school.

Congratulations to all the families who were able to come out to the ski day at Nakiska last Friday. There were over 80 people in attendance and aside from some slippery roads in Kananaskis, the day went over extremely well. Thank you to Mr. Doerksen who spends a great deal of time organizing this day. We appreciate his work very much.

Our junior high boys basketball team will be playing their next game this Wednesday at 5:30 PM in Vulcan. They are improving their play very quickly and are very enthusiastic about the sport. We wish them well in this game and for the rest of the season.

We plan to host a family skating party on Thursday night, March 2. The event would get underway at 7:00 PM and run through until 9:00 PM. It is a pot-luck snack affair. If you are coming, please bring a snack or dessert items with you. The school will provide the beverages.

By now every family should have been contacted by a society board member regarding the annual Alberta Education Accountability Pillar questionnaire. Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire and return it. Let the government know how much you appreciate having Christian education available for your family.

There will be no posting next week due to the holiday. I hope that you will be able to spend some time together as a family. Continue to keep the school in your prayers. We are encouraged to know that we have so many people praying for Brant Christian.

Thank you,


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