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He is Risen

He is risen indeed. They are marvelous words that we will speak next Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. As we enter the Holy week I trust that you will take time to talk with your children about the last week of Christ prior to His death. We celebrated Palm Sunday in church today. What a change in the course of a week where the people of Jerusalem would go from shouting "Hosanna" to chanting "crucify him."Take time this week to reflect on the events of two thousand years ago and the ultimate sacrifice for sin and the redemption it brings to everyone who believes.

Our Easter chapel will be held on Wednesday this week. It will get underway at 1:15 with Mrs. Brunning speaking to our elementary students. The joint chapel will start at 2:15. We encourage all parents, grandparents, friends to come and join us for this celebration.

The excitement this week, aside from the celebration of Easter is our school play, "Mystery at Shady Acres." The play will start at 7:00 PM on Thursday. Please come out and support our actors. They have put a lot of work into this. It promises to be a very entertaining evening.

Looking further into April, we are showing a documentary on the use of social media by our young people. The video is called "Screenagers" and will be shown at the High River Baptist church on Wednesday, April 26 starting at 7:00 PM.

There will be no posting next week. The next blog will be Sunday April 23. On behalf of all the staff at Brant Christian School we wish you a very blessed Easter. We trust that you will enjoy the time with your children. If you are travelling over the holiday our prayer will be for safe travels.


Kevin Bailey

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