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Spring Concert 2018

Hello Parents;

The highlight for this week will be our Spring concert on Wednesday. It will feature our grade 1- 4 choir and our senior choir as well as the grade 5/6 band and senior band. The concert will start at 7:00 PM and is being held at the High River Baptist Church. All are welcome to attend. We would appreciate it if parents could bring some baking. Coffee and juice will be provided after the concert. If you are able to bring some snacks, please contact Cathy at school to let her know.

Our grade 7/8 students returned safely from their camp-out this past week at Camp Little Red. It was a great time for our students and thank you again to Mr. and Mrs. Kielstra, Mrs. Brunning and Mr. Doerksen who acted as chaperones. We appreciate the work and your volunteer spirit.

Track and Field and play practices are keeping the Brant students busy these days. The high school athletes are off to Coalhurst on Tuesday and the following week our junior high students are in Vulcan on Wednesday, May 23. The spring play, which is put on by our junior/senior high students, will be performed on Friday, May 25. There is a matinee performance on Friday afternoon and the evening performance starts at 7:00 PM.

For parents who ordered hanging baskets back in late March, the plants will be delivered to the High River Baptist Church on Thursday, May 24. You will be able to pick up your plants at 3:00 that afternoon. Please have your plants picked up by 6:00 PM that evening.

Brant Christian School will be running radio advertisements on the Okotoks and High River stations over the last two weeks in May. If you listen to either of these stations, would you please let the school know if you hear our ads. We are trying a new way of marketing the school and are trying to gauge if the ads are noticed. Thank you for your help.

Last Friday, our school held an information open house at the Christian Reformed Church in High River. Although I was not extremely busy, I did have the opportunity to spend time with Pastor David Swinney. It was a reminder to me how important our pastors are in keeping us grounded in our faith and the immense responsibility they have in all aspects of our lives. Please remember to keep your pastors in your prayers and to take the time to encourage them in the work that they do. They are vital in maintaining a vibrant, Christian faith.

Kevin Bailey

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