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New teacher

Hello Parents;

Many of you were aware that Mrs. Dyck was not coming back next year and we were searching for a new Social Studies/Language Arts teacher for junior high and some of the high school grades. When searching for a new staff member we always want to make sure we are hiring someone who has a strong Christian character, will be an excellent role model for our students and of course full qualified to teach in the area we are looking to fill. With God's providence, we have found that teacher. Shain Chisholm is an experienced teacher who was working with the Foothills School Division and felt lead to come to Brant Christian. Shain is no stranger to Brant as his two sons attend here and he was also our junior high boys basketball coach. Come this fall, Shain will also be enrolling his daughter at Brant.  We are hoping to have Shain join us on Wednesday to be introduced. If this does not work out then he will be formally introduced on the first day back to school. We are blessed to have such a skilled teacher join what is already a staff made up of top-notch teachers.

Entering our last week has us all wondering how the school year passed so quickly but this only lends greater understanding to the phrase, "days pass slowly, years pass quickly." We had planned our annual staff - student water fight for Friday afternoon but with thunder in the area, the event was postponed for safety reasons. It is on though for Monday, last period. If you would like to come and join us, bring a water gun and prepare to get drenched!

We wrap things up at Brant Christian for the year this Wednesday. Our report card and grade advancement will start at 10:00 AM. This will be followed by a parent/child water balloon toss, followed by a bbq. Once the meal is finished parents are welcome to take their children home. The buses will likely pull away from school shortly after 1:00

This is the last blog posting until the end of August. Looking back over this year it is obvious how God has blessed again. He provides us with such bounty and we need to make sure we glorify Him for His goodness. Thank you parents for all you do for our school. First and foremost, for placing your children at Brant. You are providing them with an enriched Christian heritage. For all of you who give of your time and/or finances, thank you for your support. My prayer is that your family will have blessed and safe summer. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 4. We will be having our annual breakfast on that day. Please make plans to join for both this Wednesday's closing bbq and our opening day breakfast.

God bless,

Kevin Bailey

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