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Success on the Court

Hello Parents;

Three of our four volleyball teams were involved in tournaments this past weekend. Our senior boys played out in Vauxhall and made it to the semi-finals before bowing out. Our junior high boys and girls teams played a little closer to home. Their tournament was held in Vulcan. Our girls made it to the semi- finals before they were eliminated. Our junior boys made it to the finals and took home the gold medal. Congratulations to the coaches and all of our athletes for representing Brant Christian so well in their various tournaments. The players are great ambassadors for our school and we thank them for their commitment. Both senior girls and boys will be playing at Calgary Christian on Tuesday of this week.

Last Monday, 34 students from grades 3 - 9 traveled  to Southern Alberta Bible Camp to participate in a cross country meet. It was a very difficult course and our athletes did very well. Many of them placing in the top 10 in their category. Many of the categories had in excess of 30 runners. Junior high students who do well get to participate in a zone competition. We had 7 athletes qualify to move on. This is the highest number of runners we have had qualify for the zone event. Congratulations to all runners.

We celebrated our first chapel on Wednesday. I was very impressed how well the students in the praise band performed considering they had so little to prepare. Thank you to the students and to Mrs. Brunning for their dedication. We run chapels at Brant every second week and we encourage everyone to join us on that day. We do rotate from morning to afternoon meeting times. Please contact the school to find out the date and time for our next chapel.

For families who would like to join Brant please understand that you can transfer your children to our school though out the year. We teach the Alberta curriculum so if they are coming from a regular school setting, the transition should be quite easy. If the student is coming from a home school environment, our teachers are very adept at getting new students caught up in any areas that may be new to them.

Please keep our school in your prayers. For those of you who will be traveling over the Thanksgiving weekend, our prayer is for a safe journey for your family. Please remember that next Monday and Tuesday (Oct. 8/9) our school will be closed. Monday for Thanksgiving and Tuesday is a PD day for the teachers.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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