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Annual Auction, a must see!

Hello Parents;

As you can see by our webpage, the auction is the big event at Brant Christian this coming week. This is an event, that as a parent, you need to be there. This is our biggest fund raising event of the year and having a full house makes the event that much more exciting. The money raised goes to improving school life at Brant for your children. Why wouldn't you come?

Last week I spoke about how well our students at Brant Christian do in their provincial achievement tests. This is a group effort between the students, teachers and you as parents. Each group needs to be recognized for their contributions. Listed below are the school results over the last 3 years for both our grade 6 and grade 9 students. Well done by everyone.

                                 2016               2017              2018

Grade 6                      100%               92%              100%

Grade 9                       100%              82%               92%

Scores represent % of students who passed the PAT Math final

Another very important school event is coming up on Thursday Nov. 15, it is our Annual General Meeting. Your attendance is very necessary. It shows that you are making the education of your children a priority and regardless of what else could be occupying your time that night, this meeting will be goal one for you. We would love to have both parents in attendance but having at least one parent present is crucial. Please watch for more information to come out shortly.

Volleyball for our junior high teams will wrap up this coming weekend with Zone playoffs taking place down in Cardston. Thank you again to our coaches and parent drivers for making this a very successful season. Your help is very much appreciated.

Our grade 5/6 class will be travelling to Vulcan this Thursday to participate in a volleyball tournament. Our high school teams still have a couple of weeks left in their season before they wrap it up for the year.

Our next team sport will be basketball which gets underway in December. We are in need of coaches for both our junior high boys and girls teams. If you would like more information about what is required, please contact me at school.

See you at the auction!

Kevin Bailey

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