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Band/Choir Concert

Hello Parents;

This Thursday will be the start to our Christmas celebrations. Our two school bands and senior choir will be performing at the High River Baptist Church at 7:00 PM on November 29. Doors to the sanctuary will open at 6:30 PM. This concert involves students from grade 5 - 12. Our kindergarten - grade 4 students will be performing their Christmas play and concert on December 13. This will take place at Brant Christian School with a scheduled start of 7:00 PM

On Wednesday of last week, of our senior boys volleyball team left for their provincial tournament in Bashaw. This tournament was being shown on YouTube so for Thursday's game, most of the students were able to watch our team play in the first game of the tournament. This created a great deal of excitement for our students to see their friends and brothers on YouTube. Brant Christian made it to the playoff round but bowed out in two close games to end their season. They ended up being ranked 5th overall in the province. A big thank you to Scott Fisk and Jonathan Lobdell for coaching the team and to the parents who were so loyal in driving the team all around southern Alberta. We are looking forward to even better results next year.

Last Wednesday/Thursday were our parent/teacher meetings. It was good to see so many of our parents come out. The next formal meetings will be held in March after the term two report cards come out. Of course, if you have concerns, you can always arrange to meet with a teacher at anytime during the school year.

The school does have a couple of needs. If you can help with either of these requests please contact the school and talk with myself. We are looking for someone with a truck to pull our float in the High River Santa Claus parade on Friday, December 7. We are also in need of a basketball coach for our junior high team. This is a co-ed team. Again, please contact the school if you would like more information.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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