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Holy Week

Hello Parents;

After celebrating Palm Sunday today, we can look forward to this holy week that lead to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. We have used our Monday assemblies this month to focus our students on Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and the trial of Jesus. Easter is the most important time on the Christian calendar and it is vital that our students understand the significance of what took place.

Our chapel this week will be on Wednesday the 17th. Our junior and senior high students will meet first at 9:15 AM. Our joint worship time will start at 10:15 followed by our grade 1 - 6 students listening to Mrs. Brunning bring a message for them. Parents and others are encouraged to join us for this and any of our chapel times. We hope to see you there.

A couple of Spring events to keep on your calendar. On Friday, May 3, our junior and senior high drama student will be putting on their spring production. The drama skits will get underway at 7:00 PM. Please make plans to join us that evening. The wrap-up to our band and choir groups will be held on Wednesday, May 29 at the High River Baptist Church. The event will start at 7:00 PM

Our badminton teams iare now into the playoff portion of their season. We had 7 of our senior high players advance to the zone qualification round. This will take place on May 17 in Medicine Hat. Thank you to Mr. Doerksen and Chrissie Nauta who will act as our drivers. Our junior high players will be off to Fort Macleod this Monday. If they can place 1st or 2nd in their category, they will advance to their zone competition which will be held on May 4 in Lethbridge.

We are excited by the number of people who have already registered their children for the next school year. If your are planning on having your children attend Brant Christian in September 2019, we would appreciate you registering as soon as possible.

Brant Christian will be closed for our Easter Break starting with Good Friday, April 19. We will be back in school on Monday, April 29. If you are able to get away over this break, our prayer for you is safety and relaxation. If you will be staying in the area then I trust that your time with your children will be enjoyable. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on the 29th.

Please keep the school staff and our society board in your prayers. As teachers, we are blessed to be able to teach your children and to be surrounded by your support.

Happy Easter,

Kevin Bailey

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