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We finished off our short week with a fantastic chapel. Thank you to all who were involved. This time of worship is so important to who we are as a Christian school. The singing, the action songs and the message is a blessing to all of us. A reminder that parents are encouraged to join us. Our chapels are every second Wednesday. We will be having a special Remembrance Day assembly in early November. Once the details have been finalized we will let you know.

On Tuesday we held our 3rd fire drill of the year. Everyone had cleared the building in less than one minute. With the number of exit points we have at Brant, it does not take long to exit the building. 

The teachers are excited about our convention this Thursday and Friday. It is always a treat to be taught rather than teach for a change. We are looking forward to speakers, session presenters and the opportunity to meet new friends and touch base with familiar colleagues. It is a very special time as we gather with over 400 Christian teachers from across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and celebrate the awesome job we have of being educators in Christian school.

Our television in the main foyer is now up and running. Photos of our students will be shown in a slideshow format. The pictures will be from the many activities that go at Brant, our field trips and our sporting events.

Our annual Brant auction is coming up very quickly.(Nov. 1) If you have not purchased your tickets yet, please see Cathy next week. I look forward to meeting many of you there. Thank you again for sending your children to Brant. We continue to pray for families in need of healing. It is reassuring to know that we serve a God who is faithful and merciful.

Kevin Bailey

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Box 130
Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

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