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Convention Time

Hello Parents;

This coming week will be a short one as there is no school at Brant Christian on Thursday and Friday. Our school belongs to an organization called Association of Christian Schools International. (ACSI)  Each autumn, all Christian schools in Alberta who are members of this group, hold a teachers convention where we get to participate in workshops specifically designed to strengthen the spiritual component of our teaching. The convention will be held in Sherwood Park and is hosted by Strathcona Christian School. As a staff we will travel there after school on Wednesday and return home on Friday afternoon.

We are celebrating a retirement this week. If your children take the Okotok's bus you know who Bernie is. After driving bus at Brant for 10 years, Bernie has decided to retire. Prior to driving bus for Southland, Bernie had been a driver for Calgary Transit for many years. We will be celebrating his promotion to retirement on Wednesday at 3:30 right after chapel. All are welcome to attend.

Our senior boys volleyball team participated in a high level tournament on Friday/Saturday in Eckville and came home with a silver medal. In order to compete in the final they had to defeat a former provincial championship team. Congratulations to coaches Scott Fisk and Jon Lobdell and our senior boys.

Chapel this week will be held on Wednesday starting at 1:15 for our elementary students, worship will start at 2:15. Chapels are always open events for parents and friends to attend. Please join us. Our Remembrance Day ceremony will take place on Tuesday, November 5 starting at 10:00 AM.

A couple of reminders; our annual auction takes place on Saturday, Nov. 2 in High River. Please contact the school to purchase your tickets. AGM takes place on November 26 at the Christian Reformed Church in High River. This is a very important meeting and we ask that all members be in attendance to stay up to date on school news and to vote on high priority issues affecting our school. The Brant Christian School Christmas concert will take place on Thursday, November 28 at the Baptist Church in High River. Start time is 7:00 PM. Performers include our jr and sr. bands, our choir, strings ensemble, elementary music classes and our praise and worship bands. Plan to join us for an exciting evening of music and worship.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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