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Community Spirit


 Hello Parents;

Fridays at Brant are always special days. We get to spend the end of the day in our family groups. It is exciting to see our older students interacting with our younger grades. They are excellent role models, demonstrating enthusiasm, patience and great guidance. Despite our warm weather we were able to carry out many of the snow activities that Mr. Kroeker had planned for us. The evidence of this strong community spirit is one of the many things that make Brant Christian School so unique. Being able to establish and maintain this school spirit is not easy and a big thank you goes out to all our students and staff for their efforts in making our school such a caring Christian environment.

This week our grade 12 and grade 9 students are wrapping up their diploma and achievement tests. I know they will be relieved to get this week behind them. Semester 2 will start on Monday Feb. 2. This Friday is a "no-school day" for the students and a professional development day for the teachers. On friday we will be at the Full Gospel Church in High River listening to Jojo Ruba from Faith Beyond Beleif as he leads us in workshops to deepen our understanding of Scriptures.

Our information meetings regarding BCS will take place on Feb. 3 in High River at the Full gospel Church at 7 PM and Wed. Feb. 4 in Okotoks at the Alliance Church at the same time. We encourage you to invite your friends who have children from pre-school age to grade 12 to come to one of these meetings to find out what Brant Christian School has to offer and why Christian schools are so important.

You should have received a letter from Alberta Education asking you to complete a survey. I encourage you to take the time to let the government know how proud you are of Brant. Filling our the survey does help our school.

In the coming weeks we wil be making some important announcements about new programs coming to BCS for September 2015. Our high school trip to Ottawa will take place from May 10 - 16. We have  12 people going. Next year's trip will be a mission based adventure for our students in grade 9 - 12.

Continue to keep our Brant society board members in your prayers. They donate many hours to keep Brant up and running and without their sacrifice of time and energy Brant would not be the school that it is.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey


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