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A New Start

Hello Parents;

With most of the high school students being away last week, it was a slow start to a new semester. The mission trip group arrived back in Calgary on Wednesday night. By all reports it was a very successful trip. Many of the students will be talking about their experiences in this week's chapel. Please come out and join us if time permits. The chapel service will get underway at 2:15 for our worship time and students will start their presentations around 2:45.

As parents you have hopefully been contacted about completing the government survey called, "Accountability Pillar." Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. It is important that our school is recognized and understood by our government. Some parents may have also been contacted by a society member about participating in an information session about the future of our school. Thank you to those parents who will be sharing their thoughts about what is important for Brant Christian as we continue to grow.

Registration of students will start in March. It is extremely helpful for us if you would register as soon as possible and not wait. If we can demonstrate early that we will have a high enrollment, it will improve our chances of obtaining more teachers for the next school year. We are already receiving calls from new parents who want to enroll their children for 2020/21. As present families of Brant, your are our best promoters of our school. Please continue to talk to your friends about sending their children to our school. We are anticipating exciting changes to take place at Brant Christian for next year

Laurel Blake has returned to teaching the grade 1/2 class on a half-time basis. Mrs. Blake will be teaching the class in the afternoon while Mrs. Larsen-Wall will continue with the class for the mornings. Mrs. Blake suffered a concussion last March and it has taken this long for her to recover to the point that she is now well enough to be back in the classroom. Welcome back Mrs. Blake.

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