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Advent Season

Hello Parents;

Our first week without our grade 7 - 12 students and it was very quiet. Our grade 5/6 students are excited, they have taken over the gym at noonhour so they are feeling quite good about the situation. We do miss our older students and look forward to having them back with us on January 11.

I have been very impressed with our older students and their commitment to their online classes. Their attendance and work effort was excellent this past week. Congratulations to both the students and the parents for ensuring that the work is being completed and that we are not falling behind in completing the curriculum.

We met with our younger students last Monday morning to celebrate the start of the Advent season and the lighting of the Prophet's candle, a symbol of hope for us as believers. We will meet each Monday to celebrate faith, joy, peace and the Christ candle. The peace and Christ candle will be lit on Thursday, December 18 before we break to celebrate the Christmas season.

Like me, I am sure that you are struggling with how much of our regular Christmas routines we are giving up.  I miss the Christmas concert and coming together as families. Last Friday should have been the High River Santa Claus parade and of course the many social gatherings that usually crowd our social calendar at this time of the year. I did tell the students last week that what is important is how we choose to celebrate Christmas in our hearts and not to get caught up in all the additional things we have added to the Christmas season. It is still a time that we need to celebrate God's gift to us and to offer up our gratitude for the blessing of His son.

I want to acknowledge our grads and the success of their recent bake sale. They were able to raise just over $2100. The proceeds will go towards their graduation ceremony and banquet. To all of you who purchased some of the baked goods either in the auction or during the sale, thank you. To Rachel Nauta and Chrissie Nauta, thank you for all the work you put into making the sale a success.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey 

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