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AGM/Christmas Concert

Hello Parents;

The title of this blog sums up what needs to be announced this week. On Tuesday of this week (26) our society board will be holding our AGM at the Christian Reformed Church in High River at 7:00 PM. It is vital that at least one parent, from each family attend. These are not long meetings but are very important as a great deal of first hand information is shared and we need your input. Please make plans to join us and help guide our school into the future.

On Thursday of this coming week, our Christmas concert will take place at the High River Baptist Church, starting at 7:00 PM. We have students from all grade levels performing. It will be an enjoyable evening for everyone. Please invite friends to come with you and listen to your child sing, play an instrument or both.

This year's school play is, "A Christmas Carol." Performances will run on Wednesday afternoon starting at 1:00 on December 11 and an evening performance on Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 PM. Both events are held at Brant Christian School.

Our high school students going to Mexico at the end of January are urgently looking for financial support to cover the cost of the two houses that they plan to build while in Tijuana. They are willing to work in return for a donation. If you can help our 33 students who are going, please contact the school.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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