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Annual General Meeting

Hello Parents;

I trust that this long Remembrance Day weekend has been a safe and relaxing one for you and your family. There are two big events for this coming week. Our annual general meeting takes place on Thursday at 7:00 PM at the High River Baptist Church. It is very important that every Brant Christian School family is represented. This meeting will not go on for very long and it is well worth your time to attend. As we move closer to finalizing details on a new school you will want to be present to hear the latest information.

The second big event is our Senior Boys Volleyball team playing in the South Zone Tournament. They will be playing in Lethbridge on Thursday evening and on Saturday. A first or second place finish will allow them to go on and play in the provincial play-offs. This would be the first team from Brant to qualify for a provincial tournament.

On Tuesday, 3 of our high school students Kaitlyn Miller, Breanna Gavan and Karyssa Miller are travelling to Lethbridge where they will be involved in a leadership conference that will take place on Wednesday of this week. Thank you to these 3 girls for their willingness to get involved and represent our school.

Looking a little further ahead, first term report cards come out next Monday, Nov. 19. Parent/teacher meetings will take place on Wednesday and Thursday evenings Nov. 21/22. There will be a 2:00 PM dismissal on Nov. 22 to allow us more time to meet with parents.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the AGM on Thursday. Thank you for your continuing support of Brant Christian School

Kevin Bailey

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