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April posting

Hello Parents;

It was good to be back in school last week and to hear the stories from students of their Easter break adventures. For the month of April our unsung heroes of the Bible are the sisters, Mary and Martha. We introduced these two Biblical characters to the students on Monday. As there is no school tomorrow because of a professional development day for teachers, we will continue our study of Mary and Martha on Tuesday.

Our society board met on Tuesday evening of last week. It is exciting listening to the land possibilities that exist within our budget. Our building committee will be looking into the various parcels of land and determining what would best meet the future needs of Brant Christian School. Once this is done they will then put a bid together and present it to the land owner. I know all of this sounds so easy but can take months to complete. Continue to pray that the right parcel of land will come on the market. I know that God has a plan for Brant and we need to be in prayer to determine God's will.

High River's, Little Britches Rodeo is coming up on Saturday, May 16 and Brant Christian will have their "little school house" in the parade. Make sure you come out and cheer us on. We will also be in the Okotoks parade on June 20.

On Wednesday I had the privilege of taking our grade 9 students to the Foothills Hospital to participate in the PARTY program. This is an event designed to make students aware of the dangers of making one bad mistake and how that mistake can alter your life permanently. The students were cautioned on the use of alcohol and driving of taking drugs and of just taking risks without understanding the consequences of their actions. Thank you to Chrissy Nauta for joining us as a chaperone.

The time is quickly approaching for our 8 high school students to leave for Ottawa. The plans have now come together, with our airline tickets arriving on Saturday. Ottawa will be beautiful in May and our students are in for a treat to spend a week in our nation's capital. It is not too late to order a hanging basket from one of the students. We are still in need of a couple of gift items to take with us to Ottawa. At the spring play on April 30, the Ottawa students will be having a bake sale. More information will coming out on this event next week.

Friday is a school day and also another school family day. These are always a lot of fun and a great time for students across all the grades to come together for a good time.


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