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Back to School - it's 2023!

Hello to all our families on this warm January day! We were so excited to see all the students back in the building this week after what felt like a very long time away from them. It was especially encouraging to see our students jump right back into the routines of school. It is obvious they love their school from the way they quickly shook off their break routines and began working hard right away. The highlight of the week was that we could start using the rink right away. Whether it was the high school students helping to clear the snow and patch holes, junior highs alternately helping little ones put on skates or glide around with friends, or the younger students taking tentative strides on the ice, the rink was a beehive of activity. Even though we needed to hold off skating today because of the warm temperatures, we expect to be back on the ice with colder weather next week. 

A few reminders:

  • Next week is also a 5 day week, with regular classes on Friday

  • The society AGM is meeting on Thursday January 19th, 7pm at the High River Alliance Church. Please come out to hear about the opportunities that are before our Society and have your voice heard.

  • For our high school students, the week of Jan 23-26 is an exam week. If they do not have an exam that day, they are not required to be at school. The building is open and they can come to complete any outstanding assignments during that time.

  • A reminder that students are required to have a helmet and gloves to be able to skate at the school. We do have extra skates and helmets, but cannot guarantee they will fit or be available. If you want your child to skate, and you have these items at home and are fine with them coming to school, please make sure your student has those items with them. All skate times are supervised by staff.

A new year brings new opportunities. As we are reminded in Isaiah “forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. Behold I am doing a new thing!” We have the blessing of our King who calls us forward to follow Him and not dwell on the sin that ensnares us, but look with great hope to the new thing He is doing. I pray this year is a wonderful one for your family, for our school and our country. May God bless you all!

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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