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Beautiful Sunrise

Hello to all our Brant families!

I was amazed by the blessing of the sunrise this morning as I drove into school. Both by the sheer wonder of God’s creation, but also because it has been so long since I have seen it at the start of my day. May His name be praised for the good things He has done. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, there is an excellent photo of a sunrise shared by Mr. Chisholm on our school’s Facebook page.

It has been very exciting hearing about the different Valentine’s preparations in each class. Seeing the boxes in 1/2, the mailboxes the 3/4 class are creating or any of the other little things happening, it is great to know students are taking the theme of kindness to “heart” this month.


  • Our flower fundraiser is in full swing. Please remember to have all the money raised into the office by February 28th.

  • If you want to volunteer at the school, we are looking for some guides and baked treats for our Open House (March 2). Use this link to sign up

  • There will be a Parent Missions Trip meeting on March 7 at 7 pm at High River Alliance Church to finalize all the details for the trip. If you have a student going on the trip, please plan to be there.

  • Missions trip permission forms went home this week (for Palliser requirements). They can be returned any time but please ensure that these are returned by March 15th, at the latest.

  • The next Parent Engagement Group (PEG) meeting is on Tuesday February 14th at 6:15. I will be presenting the proposed calendar for 2023-24, as well as talking about our school goals for next year.

  • Assurance surveys will be arriving at your home soon, if not already. Please take the time to fill these out to tell about the great things going on in our school.

  • We will have chapel next Wednesday (Feb 15) for 7 -12 at 2:15 and 1-6 at 3. The parent prayer group will be meeting at 2pm.

The student prayer club has asked if they can do an outreach to the victims of trafficking and have come up with a plan to provide essentials through Next Steps Ministry. I have attached their plan with ways that you can help them reach their goal. Thank you Mrs. Anderson for helping our students be the hands and feet of Christ in our world!

I hope you and your family are able to enjoy the good weather this weekend, and to experience His goodness in whatever you do.

Quinn Barreth, Principal


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