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Busy week

Hello Parents;

Although it was a short week for our students, it was a busy week for the school. I hope that many of you were able to attend the annual Brant Christian School Auction that took place on Saturday evening. To all who attended, thank you for coming out and supporting our school. The proceeds from the auction will be used to add to our Band and Science program as well as other areas of our school. As we purchase needed items I will let you know what is new and how it is being used in the school. An auction of that quality and size requires a lot of work from many dedicated volunteers. If you were part of the auction committee, helped with the set up, serving or the take down, thank you for your efforts. I know that the work you do will often go unnoticed but without your service, the auction and the benefits we receive from it would not happen. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our school!

Brant Christian celebrated a milestone this weekend. For the first time we had a senior high boys volleyball team participate in the south zone tournament. The event was held at Lethbridge Community College and ran for three days, Thursday through Saturday. We had seven boys on our team who made a commitment to each other and our school to act as ambassadors and throughout the season were excellent representatives of our school. We were definitely the smallest high school (enrolment) at the tournament but our team finished fourth in the end. Congratulations to Kyle Nash, Jarod Massey, Brayton Wasik, Griffin Van Hell, Joe, Johal, Will Ritz and Riley Myers. We are looking forward to next year and excitement and challenges that it will bring.

This Friday our high school students are off to Lethbridge to participate in a student conference on getting active in our communities and learning how as students they can be more involved. It will be a long day as the bus leaves Okotoks at 6:45 AM, stops in High River and we will be back in Okotoks by 5:00 that afternoon.

Our skating rink is now set up and we have water in it waiting to become ice, come on winter! We hope to be skating on it by late November or early December. We will let you know when the first skating party is planned.

Report cards will be out next Monday, November 23 and parent/teacher interviews will take place Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the 25 and 26. I look forward to seeing you then.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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