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Busy Week

Our fabulous gopher-hole-filling work crew!

Hello Parents;

Seeing the leaves appearing on the trees makes me realize that we are a month ahead of schedule with our spring happenings. We were blessed with another beautiful weekend and it proved very beneficial for our work day at school this past Friday. Close to 25 parents and students came out to our school to fill in holes in our large play field area. What I thought would take most of the day, wrapped up in two hours. Having such a large crew present and with the winds being so calm, we took advantage of the conditions and dismantled the rink. Thank you to all who came out to help. You made a tedious job go by very quickly.

After weeks of practice, our badminton teams will soon be playing in their first tournament. Our high school team will compete this coming Friday at County Central High School. Badminton is very demanding, unless they place first or second in their category, they will not advance on to the next tournament which will be held in Medicine Hat the following week. Our junior high team will compete next Wednesday, April 27 in Vulcan and face the same criteria for advancing. I will keep you posted as to how our players do.

Our band students will be performing this coming Wednesday afternoon at Senator Riley Junior High School. They will be performing for a group of judges who will then give them feedback on their performance. Their performance gets underway at 3:00 PM.  Parents are welcome to attend (please arrive early and be aware of music festival etiquette)!

On Thursday of this week our grade 9 students will be at the Foothills Hospital participating in a program called Prevention of Alcohol Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) This is a fantastic program which emphasizes the dangers of taking unnecessary risks and how quickly one bad decision can change your life forever. Students in grades 7 - 12 (minus the 9's) will be at Heritage Christian Academy in Calgary on Thursday taking part in a Palliser-wide student leadership conference.

April 26 - 29 will be our writer's symposium week. More details will be coming out later this week. A reminder that next Monday is professional development day for teachers. There will be no school that day.

We continue to have a high number of new parents calling Brant Christian seeking information about our school and coming by for a visit. I am looking forward to welcoming a lot of new students to Brant Christian next September. We will be holding two open houses in early May for our kindergarten class. One date will accommodate our High River pre-school students, the other our Okotoks pre-school class. Dates and times will come out next week.

I trust that you continue to pray for our school and for our board of trustees. Thank you for your on-going support and prayers.

Kevin Bailey

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