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Celebrate April

Hello Parents;

There are many harbingers of Spring. For some it is the sight of a robin, for others a crocus or maybe the temperature getting up to double digits. For Brant Christian, it's the arrival of our handy man, Art Currie. Art and his wife Trish head south every November and we know it's Spring when the Curries come back. Now all those little repairs around schools will get done!

We had our annual school open house on Thursday and it was a very busy time. It is encouraging to see so many families interested in Christian Education. Thank you to Chrissie Nauta, Leanne Steiner, who acted as hosts and to our high school students Kaitlyn, Grace and Tracie for showing parents around our school. To the many parents who sent baking along, thank you. We were well supplied for the afternoon and evening crowd that came through.

Many of our junior and high school students were in Edmonton this past Friday and Saturday. This is a traditional trip for Brant Christian and one that is well attended by our student body. Thank you to Mr. Doerksen and Mr. Kroeker for their planning and the many parents who volunteered to chaperone. The next class trip is the Camp Little Red venture for our grade 7/8's followed by the high school trip to Ottawa starting on May 20.

A reminder that any parent who is interested in knowing more about Brant Christian and would like to come out for a visit, you are more than welcome to come out on day that is convenient for both us and yourself. Please contact the school and we would be happy to meet with you.

Thank you for your prayer support and for our parents who volunteer to help at school. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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