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Hello Parents;

You may be wondering why the title of celebration. Nothing unusual happened this week. High school student have started to write their exams for this semester's courses and for the remaining students, it was an ordinary week. The celebration is that as Christians, regardless of our circumstances, we should celebrate life. The joyous events and those happenings of excitement are easy to celebrate. But we know that suffering is a part of everyone's life and our testimony is exhibited to others by how we handle our sufferings. We should always rest in the promise of our saviour that he loves us and cares for us and regardless of our circumstances will be with us through our trials. I trust that you have been able to celebrate this past week and that you are looking forward to many more reasons to celebrate this week.

Each year at this time our government sends you a questionnaire to fill out about our school. It is called an accountability pillar and it lets the government know what you think about Brant Christian. It is important that you fill out the form and answer each question. We need to let people know how much we appreciate Christian schools and the opportunities it provides for your children. Please take the time over the next week of so to complete the questionnaire.

For the month of January we are focusing on the unique characteristics each of us have been endowed with  and the uniqueness of God. As a school, we gather every Monday morning to sing O Canada, give the week over to God and to do a devotional. And this month we are looking at being unique. Mrs. Brunning covers the same topic in her chapel time and homeroom teachers will spend time focusing on the topic as well. The Monday morning assemblies are open to anyone who would like to attend. It would be good to see you there.

Our high school students are just over a week away before they leave on their mission trip to Mexico. Thank you again to everyone who helped them make this trip possible. I am looking forward to hearing their stories upon their return.

Thank you,


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