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Character day and Furniture needed

Hello Parents;

As we head into passion week there are two major events (requests) to make you aware of. This Thursday our student's council will be hosting a character day for all students and staff. Students are encouraged to dress up in a costume of their favourite character whether that be a cartoon, tv or movie individual. Mr. D has requested that not all students dress up as him though! A truly modest individual. Parents you are welcome to dress up and join us for part of the fun if you wish. There will be judging taking place for the best costume. It will be a very fun day as we head into our Easter break.

This of course is the passion week. The time between Jesus triumphantly riding into Jerusalem up until the time of his crucifixion on what we now call Good Friday. During this time span Jesus performed miracles and spoke many parables. We will be using this opportunity to teach our students about the importance of this week and the significance it has to our Christian faith.

We are planning to make changes to our school foyer and are in need of a couch and some comfortable chairs. If you are in the middle of renovating and have furniture that is in good condition and you would be willing to donate it to our school, we would like to talk with you. Ideally we are looking for furniture that is a solid colour and not too fancy. The 70's flower print design isn't what we have in mind. If you can help us out please contact Cathy. 

For our family group activity last Friday, our students were involved in a giant game of clue. Thank you to Mr. Kroeker for his effort in organizing the game. The students had a great time trying to figure out the murder mystery. We finished the day off with our drama classes presenting us with a number of short skits that they had been working on in class.

We have had several new families visiting our school lately, interested in what Brant Christian has to offer them in terms of a Christian education. Many of these families have not had the privilege of having their children in a Christian school even though they are Christian. To date we have had over 20 students who could be attending our school next year. Our school is a mission field and we welcome new families to join our community. The exciting thing is that Brant Christian is God's school and we are not completely sure of what God has in store for us but He does call us to be faithful and we will continue to be that. If you have any friends who are thinking of sending their children to Brant please encourage them to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

A reminder that there will be no school this Friday and all of next week. Classes will resume on Monday, April 4.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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