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Cold week ahead

Hello Parents;

Our first deep cold system of this winter is upon us. Please remember to check that your children have their hats and mitts with them and for the younger students, their snow pants. Such temperatures call for prudence on our part because of the danger of exposed skin under such cold temperatures. Indoor recesses are held when we have a combination of cold temperatures and wind chill. On calm, sunny days this week, we will try to get the students outside for their morning and afternoon recesses, which are 15 minutes in length but by the time the children get dressed, they will be outside for a total of 8 minutes. Longer time periods, such as the lunch recess or a PE class will likely be held inside. Because the majority of our students have a long ride to get to school, they need to be dressed for the weather regardless if we are having indoor or outdoor recesses.

This is the start of diplomas for our grade 12 students. On Monday, they write part 1 of 2 for their English 30 exam. The remainder of their exams will be take place over the next two weeks. Simmering below the surface of exam anxiety lies the excitement of the high school mission trip. We are just over two weeks away from 33 of our students heading off to Mexico for their mission trip. The combination of travel without parents, going some place warm, being with friends and serving as missionaries, has the students looking forward to their departure date of Jan. 29. A big thank you to everyone who has donated to the house build, who has purchased pancake mix and who has continued to keep the students in their prayer time is very much appreciated.

The end of January brings us to the halfway point of the school year. We are grateful for God's blessing on us for the first half. Although January tends to have fewer activities, things will pick up again come February. Please remember to pray for our society board members. They do so much work behind the scenes to keep our school running smoothly and dedicate a great deal of their time. We are looking ahead to next year already and making plans for continued growth of our school and making use of our new portables. If you have friends, neighbours, relatives with school age children, now is the time to talk to them about the value of having children in a Christian school.

Thank you,


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