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Exam Time

Hello Parents;

The final hurdle for many of our students before their summer break is of course the Provincial Achievement Tests for grades 6 and 9 and Diploma exams for our grade 12 students. The diploma exams started on Friday of last week and will run through until Thursday, June 25. If you have a son or daughter who is writing either of these tests the best advice is to stay relaxed. If they have been diligent throughout the year they will likely do very well on the tests.

These last two weeks will be busy ones at school as we wrap up another year. The last day of school for students will be Friday, June 26 and we have special activities planned for that day. More information will follow this coming week. The highlight of last week was the elementary track meet that was held on Tuesday in Vulcan. Thank you to all the parents who came out to assist us in the various events and to cheer on our athletes. I was very proud of how our students performed and the sportsmanship they exhibited throughout the day. It was a very fun event.

There is only one meeting this coming week and that is on Tuesday evening at the Full Gospel Church in High River. The meeting gets underway at 7 PM and will provide information to parents who are thinking of sending their son/daughter on the mission trip to Tijuana which will take place next January. It is open to all parents who would like to attend and hear what we are offering to our students in the way of short-term mission work.

We are planning on doing some exterior painting at Brant this summer thanks to the volunteer efforts of a Baptist Youth gathering. We are in need of paint trays and rollers. If you are able to loan these to the school that would help us out a lot. We will of course purchase the liners for the trays and sleeves for the rollers. Please label your supplies so we can return them to you. Look for a fresh new look at Brant come September.

A reminder that part of our last day will be a closing barbeque. Hopefully many of you will be able to join us for this time of fellowship.

Thank you,


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