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Exam Week

Hello Parents;

It was both a busy and fun week at Brant Christian. On Wednesday our grade 1- 4 students were off to the Glenbow Museum for the day. Thank you to the parents who were able to come and help with the supervision. Our grade 5 - 12 students traveled to Barons and played in a softball tournament that day.

On Friday we held a character dress up day. This is where students can dress up in a character of their choosing. Thank you to all students and staff who participated. The day ended with our annual water fight, which is always a fun way to welcome in summer. A big thank you to our student's council for all their work. It always seems to be a little harder to plan such events when you get so close to the end of the school year.

The focus this week will be on exams for all of our upper grades. PAT's for grades 6 and 9 will be written on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Other grades will be writing finals in their respective classes and our grade 12's have diploma exams scheduled this week and next.

On Saturday, Brant Christian School had our "little school house"float in the Okotoks parade. Thank you to Doug Green for towing the float and to the 11 students who came out to hand out candy to the children who lined the parade route.

Next week is the last week of this school year. On Tuesday, June 27, the school is on a field trip to the Science Center in Calgary. Wednesday the 28th is report card day and a family barbeque. Please plan to join us that day for lunch and for the parent - child water balloon toss.

Of course students will be emptying our their lockers between now and June 28th. Please help us out by sending bags with your children so that they can bring home their belongings that have been carefully stored in their lockers since last September!

Last Tuesday was our board/parent meeting regarding the future plans for Brant Christian School. Thank you to all who showed up. As Superintendent John Bailey,from Foothills School Division indicated, a parcel of land will be going into 3rd and final reading in late June. Afterwards, this land will be transferred to the school division and then to the Brant Christian School Society board. At that point the board will begin plans to create a new school.

This coming Tuesday night at the Full Gospel Church in High River at 7:00 PM is the band instrument rental night for all students going into grade 5 and for those students who will be new to grade 6 - 12 and plan to take band as one of their subjects. Band is compulsory for students in grades 5 and 6.

On Wednesday night of this week is the parent meeting for those students in grade 9 - 12 who intend to take part in the mission trip to Mexico in late January. This meeting will take place at the Full Gospel Church at 7:00 PM.

Please continue to keep our school in your prayers.

Thank you,


Annual WATER FIGHT!-June 16

This is definitely a highlight for everyone!  Look at all the smiles!

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