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Exciting changes for Brant

Hello Parents;

By now you have all received word from our society board about some exciting news. In order for us to build a new school closer to High River and Okotoks we had to apply to the Foothills School Division to see if they would accept us as part of their division. On Wednesday night, at their board meeting they decided to accept our request and allow us to become part of their school division. There is a great deal of work that our society needs to do with Foothills but their acceptance of us is a great boost in our desire to build a new school closer to a larger population. I know that our board will keep us updated as plans become finalized and we can move forward to bring about more exciting changes for Brant and its' future growth. Thank you to our board for the work they are doing to ensure a strong future for our school.  Read the letter to parents from the BCSS Board here.

In the upcoming week each family will be asked to complete a survey from Alberta Education called the Accountability Pillar. Please take the time to fill our the questionnaire and let everyone know how much we appreciate our school. It is my hope that you will receive a call from someone connected to Brant to encourage you to complete the survey as quickly as possible.

The school mission trip is getting so close. I am as excited for it to start as the students are. January 27 will be a very special day for 18 of us. We will be releasing our blogsite to you later this week. Make sure you check into the sight to stay updated on our adventures. We also ask that you continue to pray for us throughout our trip for safety and effectiveness. We were able to raise all of the money required to build and furnish the home. Thank you to all who helped us in our efforts.

This Friday afternoon at 2:30 we will be having a skating party for the students. If any of you can make it out to Brant, please come and join us. We will be having a family skate night on February 24 from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. I hope that you will be able to come and join in on the fun. Please bring your neighbours as this will also be an open house night at Brant. We want to showcase our school to the public.

On Monday, Feb. 1 at 1:00 PM at the Full Gospel Church in HIgh River, our teachers will be listening to a guest speaker from Calgary. Jojo Ruba is an amazing teacher of the faith and a strong defender of Christian beliefs. You are invited to join the teachers for the afternoon as Jojo will be speaking on A Christian Worldview and What is Truth. We hope that many of you will be able to attend.

Unfortunately our chapel presenter for last week, Joal Kamps, could not come to Brant because of illness. We will reschedule Joal for later in the year. At this point we have not finalized a return date.

Kevin Bailey

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Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

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