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Exciting week

This week was certainly a busy one. Today was the first day of family activity at school. Each of our students now belong to a unique family and on the Fridays that we are at school we will be planning some sort of event at the end of the day to allow for the cross grade interaction. Our families were involved in a scavenger hunt /Bible quiz game. Ask your children for the details. Mr. Doerksen's team won which gave them the special ending event. The staff at BCS had been challenged to the ALS ice bucket event. The winning team were the ones to dump  water on the teachers. A video of the event will be on the BCS website on Monday. The staff has challenged Rob Cowie to do the same. Our student council elections were held today. Each of the four main offices had at least two candidates runnng. I thank all the students who submitted their names. It speaks very highly of their level of commitment to our school. The president for this year's council will be Brooklyn Van Heil, Vice Principal is Sierra Nauta, Secretary is Lexie Nauta and Joe Johal will be the treasurer. Class reps will be selected next week.

Our cross country running team will be participating on Monday. I wish them well.

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