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Exciting Week

Hello Parents;

What a beautiful weekend this has been. I trust you have had time to get out and enjoy our warm weather. This will be a busy week at Brant. On Monday several of our students will be off to Southern Alberta Bible Camp to participate in a cross country running event. I will update you on our results next week. Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered to drive our athletes to the event location. On Wednesday, Sept. 23 the entire school will be away on a field trip. For students in grades 1 - 4 they will be travelling down to Heads Smashed In Buffalo Jump while the remainder of our school will be off to the Atlas Coal Mine in East Coulee.

On Thursday we will be hosting our official opening of the portables. Please come out and join us for this special time. The ribbon cutting will take place at 3:00 with refreshments to follow. If you are able to bring some goodies with you would you please let Cathy know. I look forward to seeing many of you in attendance.

On Thursday October 1 is our first parent/teacher conference. Meetings get underway at 4:00 and will run through until 8:00 PM. Please contact Cathy to book your times. This is a great opportunity to talk with your children's teachers to see how the year has started off. Report cards do not come out until November.

This year we have a senior high volleyball team. We have 7 very athletic students who are looking forward to the season and representing Brant Christian. We are committed to getting as many high school teams up and running. We only need the numbers and the commitment.

Please keep our school and teachers in your prayers, in particular Mr. Booker who is recovering from his heart attack. He is hoping to return to classroom duty on October 13.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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Phone: 403-684-3752

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