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February is here....

Hello to all our Brant families!

We have had a chilly week here at school, but are looking forward to some warmer temperatures as we enter the weekend. Despite the cold, students were able to be outside for recess and phys ed for the majority of the week. We love seeing their excitement to be out on the great playground and open spaces that we have available to them. I am always encouraged by the desire to play and interact with others that I see among our students, often across grades. What a blessing.

As we enter February we are starting to see the sun come up a little earlier, set a little later and can start to contemplate the hopeful arrival of spring. While we are a long way from that, the things we have coming up this month mean that we have some fun celebrations to anticipate and a week-long break that will cause March to be here faster than we expect. A couple of reminders of what is coming up:

  • Next week is Spirit Week, where our students will have different theme days. This includes Hat Day on Monday, Solid (favorite) Color Day Tuesday, Twin Day on Wednesday and PJ Day on Thursday

  • Our next Parent Engagement Group (PEG) and Society Board meeting is happening on February 14th. PEG meets at 6:15, while the Board meets at 7pm.

  • High school parents should have seen report cards for semester one come home yesterday. Take the time to celebrate your student’s achievements!

The Board wishes to let you know that Dress Code Details will be discussed on March 14th during the PEG @ 6:15pm. Please plan to join the dress code conversation. No date of new dress code implementation is planned at this time. Current dress code being enforced is the current one in the parent handbook if parents need a reference point. 

I anticipate an announcement of activities relating to Valentine’s Day, but I know that individual classroom teachers have been talking with their students about what they have planned. Valentine’s ties in nicely with our theme word Kindness that we get from our school verse (Gal 5:22-23). It is a great opportunity to remind our students of the many ways they can display Kindness at school, at home and in their everyday activities. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” Galatians 6:10. God’s peace on you all this weekend.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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