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First Week Update

Hello Families of Brant, What a great week!  It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces of those returning to Brant and all the newcomers who are joining us for the first time.  It looks like we've got most of the wrinkles worked out and we're looking forward to a super year.  

Thank You
There are so many thank yous to go out to our wonderful Brant community. First of all, I want to thank all those who volunteered to do some clean-up and landscaping to spruce up our grounds in preparation for opening day.  The grounds look so good! Another shout out goes to our Brant Board members who helped organize the pancake breakfast and went the extra mile in serving all the kids and their families. Big thanks to our great board:)  
We are so blessed to have an amazing administrative assistant in Mrs. Massey. To get us all up and going, she has to accomplish a myriad of tasks; all of which she does efficiently and with grace. Also, Mrs. Wasik has been working tirelessly to get our senior high students in the courses they need.  

Upcoming Events 
Volleyball is already in full swing.  If your child is playing volleyball this fall, please note the time and dates of the mandatory parent meeting on the form your son/daughter brought home.  All the meetings cover the same information, so you may attend any of the scheduled meetings.  Gr. 7 boys and parents who are interested please feel free to attend the Jr A Boys practice and meeting next week to try out for the volleyball team on Monday, Sept 11th - practice 4:15 with parent meeting to follow at 6:00.

Corn Maze Field Trip: 
The annual kick-off field trip will take place on Friday, Sept. 15.  Please ensure you complete the permission form as soon as possible and submit payment through

Research shows that excessive cell phone use can lead to loneliness, anxiety and depression, especially among teens. Research also shows that students who have limited cell phone use are able to better focus and have increased academic achievement.  So, with student wellness and improved academic success in mind, we are asking students to keep their cellphones in their lockers or cars during the school day. If you need to pass an important message during the school day, please do not hesitate to phone the office and we will pass the message to your son/daughter. 

Bamfield Field Trip (Grades 9 - 12): 
Although the trip to Bamfield, BC (Grades 9 - 12) seems far away (April 2-4, 2024), please be alert to announcements and/or information sent home regarding this trip as there are a limited amount of spaces available and students will be accepted on a first-come, first-served based.  Contact Mr. Kroeker should you have any questions. 

This week I received an envelope announcing that our very own Bennett Barber was the recipient for outstanding sportsmanship at the boys' provincial rugby championships. As well, our Highwood/Brant girls' rugby team was voted the award for outstanding sportsmanship at the girls' provincial championship.  Both our boys and girls teams will be included in the Alberta School Athletic Association's yearbook.  Not only did our boys and girls rugby teams both win bronze medals at  provincials, they did it the right way!  

Thanks to so many who came out to the pancake breakfast and signed up for the many volunteer opportunities.  If you did not sign up, no problem.  You can sign up on any of the links HERE.

Remember to keep praying as we look to find a teacher for junior/senior high Social Studies. 
Finally, feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.  

May God bless you as you seek His face, 
Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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