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Flowers this week

Hello Parents;

One more week of children at home and you can then send them back to school. Please remember that school will start up again for Brant Christian on Wednesday, May 26. We are looking forward to having students back in the building. I hope that your first week went well. I know that having your children home can be a challenge with your schedule.

Back in late March and early April, many of our student were selling hanging baskets of flowers to help raise money for their next mission trip to Mexico. If you ordered any of those flowers, they arrive this Thursday and can be picked up inĀ  the gymnasium of the High River Baptist Church between 3:00 and 6:00 PM. To gain access to the gym you will need to go to the east side of the building and there will be a door open for you. You will not have access to the gym through the main doors of the building.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been able to purchase a new large riding mower and to build a shed for it through the donations from our school families. Thank you to Dave Brunning of Brunning Construction for donating his time and getting the shed up so quickly. If you were able to help with these items, thank you for your generousity. The mower was a much needed item to keep Brant Christian looking good. We are in need of a regular push mower and a gas trimmer. If you have these items at home and have recently purchased a new mower or trimmer we could use your old equipment. If you would like to donate them to the school that would be very much appreciated.

While the students have been away from school, we have installed a beach volleyball court. It is located in behind the sea cans and just east of the skating rink. Thank you Chad Niemans and Jon Kielstra for donating their time and machinery to make this possible. I know that this addition will be very popular with our older students.

If you have not registered your children for next year, please do so as soon as possible. For those families who have already registered, thank you. We look forward to working with you next year and helping your children grow in the knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is. We considerate it an honour and privilege to be a part of your child's life.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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