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Fun Friday

Hello Parents;

Our field trips last Friday went off very well. Thank you to everyone who had to drop off their children at specific times. We appreciate your punctuality, it gets the day off to a good start. The trip to the Atlas Coal Mine is such an educational bonus for our students. To be able to walk around an old mine site and go inside a mine allows the students to understand how difficult life was and how hard everyone had to work to earn a living. My hope is that your childrenĀ appreciate the lifestyle you have provided for them.

I cannot speak to the elementary field trip. Miss Wolfe did tell me that everything went well. I hope that the parents who attended enjoyed themselves. Thank you for giving up a day of your time to help chaperone our students. We are thankful for your willingness to volunteer.

This coming week will be the start of our 4 day week schedule. There are no classes this Friday, Sept. 20 and due to a professional development day on Monday, Sept. 23, no classes on that day. Our cross country runners will be off to their first meet next Tuesday, Sept. 24. We will leave Brant at 8:30 and return in time to catch the bus ride home at the end of the day. I will be sending permission forms home on Monday the 16th.

Coming up this Thursday, Sept. 19, our grade 5 band students along with our first year grade 6 band students will be travelling in to Calgary attend a band workshop at Glenmore Christian Academy. The workshop will start at 3:30 and wrap up at 5:30. We are in need of parent drivers. If you have not let our band conductor, Tim Korthuis know that you can help, please get in touch with him by Tuesday of this week. We will leave the school at 2:00 PM.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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